Check Your Affordability

Check how much house you can afford

  • Today's Rate
  • %
  • $
  • $
Home Price
$Loading... 🏠
  • Monthly Payment
    principal + interest: NaN
    tax: 383
    home insurance: 77
  • Loan Amount
    LTV : NaN%
  • Debt-To-Income Ratio
  • Down Payment

Legal Disclosures

This is an estimate only and is not a substitute for the qualification process for credit. Interest rates were calculated based on U.S. Citizen, Tax report of 2 years or more, Full-Document, Single Family, Purchase, Primary Residence, Credit Score(FICO) 740, and LTV 80%. Property tax is assumed a 1.25% tax rate and the homeowners insurance cost is assumed a 0.250%. We've assumed the down payment as 20% to avoid the PMI(Private Mortgage Insurance). Results are not a commitment to lend and don't guarantee an approval or denial for credit.

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